Hi! Welcome to The Aspiring Author! If you're new to my blog you can start here to learn a bit about me, or we can skip that and get to the good stuff:) As teen authors, I'm sure there have been plenty of times when we get motivated and say, "I'm going to write a book!" Then we sit at the computer and... nothing. We're drained of all inspiration. The worst, right? It's happened several times to me, if not more! So how can we fix this? It's always the same answer for me: writing prompts! Prompts are the perfect way to get the brain juices flowing and spark some creativity, so I made a list of my favorite writing prompts to end writer's block once and for all. Enjoy!😊 #1. If you were forced to wear a warning label, what would it say? #2. Write a story where the pretty girl doesn't fall in love with the hero, but with the villain . #3. Though she had never seen the man in her entire life, she knew exactly who he was. #4. T...