Top 5 Things to Remember When Photographing Animals



   It's like I said before: I love photography just as much as writing. And what is one of the things I love to photograph?
   I think animals are so amazing and such a beautiful creation from God. Being able to take pictures of them is just awesome! But there are some things to keep in mind when you do this, and I'd like to share them with you:)

1. Focus on the Eyes

   There is nothing more intriguing and captivating than an animal's eyes, especially a cat's. When photographing an animal's face, always make sure that the eyes are the center of focus. The best way to do this is too be sure that the eyes are sharp and aren't blurry. Try to catch little reflections and glints of light. A sharp, center of focus will draw in the audience.

2. Symmetry

   Symmetry is naturally pleasing to the eye, and can be used on nearly anything. Birds and wild cats are especially photogenic in "eye-to-eye" photos. It's only optional, but brings interesting results and will catch your eye right off the bat. The more mirrored the image is, the better:)

3. Washed-out Fur

   It can be very hard to take good photos of animals with black fur. Black fur reflects light a lot, and if it's reflecting too much, the fur can look washed-out. The best way to avoid this is to photograph the animal on cloudy days. Cloudy days offer the perfect lighting for anything. It gives just the right
amount of light without giving too much. And I understand it can sometimes be hard to do this in certain circumstances, but you don't need clouds in the sky to do it. Solid shade is a good go-to. Pretty much anywhere without direct light can keep fur from getting washed-out.

4. Intriguing Background

   Like symmetry, this is only optional. But most animals are wild, right? Giving the creature a background can tell people a lot about where they live, what they eat, ect. and offers something more than just the animal itself. Try capturing them in their main habitat:)

5. Rule of Thirds

  The rule of thirds is also naturally pleasing to the eye, and doesn't only apply to animals. But it does gives an interesting "POV":) 

   Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I hope that this was helpful, and if it was in any way I'd love for you to share it! Until next time!:)

   (Be sure to check out my previous post for writing: 25 Writing Blocks to Help End Writer's Block for Good
   And if you'd like to learn more about me, click here.)
